iAriane Andereggen*1969 in Aigle, aufgewachsen am Bodensee.
Künstlerin / Schauspielerin / Performerin / Schauspiel-Studium an der Hochschule der Künste Bern. MAS Medienkunst an der Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe. Sie arbeitet sowohl in Projekten und Engagements für die Off-Szene, Stadttheatern als auch extradisziplinär im Kunstbereich Video / Audioinstallationen / Performances / Recherche / Konzepte / Texte / Zeichnung und Fotografie.
Sie in Basel.
Ariane Andereggen studied at the Bern University of the Arts, HKB, at the Department of Theatre and at the University of the Arts / ZKM in Karlsruhe, Department MAS / Media-Arts. Since 1996, she has been working in her profession as an acclaimed actress and artist with various international cultural institutions and engagements. As Actress, media artist and performer. Their forms of expression range from theatrical drama, such as projects for experimental stages, to lecture-performances, exhibitions, writing, drawing, photography and videowork. She currently lives in Basel.